Snow day and then a power failure in Copenhagen!

I know that I haven't written a blog post in quite a few weeks. Actually it might be more than a month! I know, very naughty of me! Okay fine, I just checked, technically 2 months, but only just over 2 months, and I've been really busy moving to a new country, moving into an apartment, buying things for the apartment from IKEA, assembling the furniture from IKEA, not properly reading the instructions, unassembling the furniture and re-reading the instructions, re-assembling the furniture properly this time, going on some dates, being told the dating equivalent of thanks but no thanks (unfortunately never in such honest or polite terms, the rejection usually comes in a whole varied spectrum, ranging from flat out ignoring me aka ghosting, after what I thought was a perfectly pleasant date, to stringing me along for weeks and then revealing that they got back together with their ex and so perhaps we can just be friends (aka I was demoted to Plan B), to slowly showing less and less interest until I came out with it and asked if they were still interested to which I got a polite 'no', which like... fine... to various other forms of rejection in-between those points. 

But enough about that for now, more details will come come later, as I find a way to appropriately summarize the often nightmarish experience that is dating in the year 2023

To ease myself back into regular blogging, I thought rather than overwhelm myself with catching you all up on all the events of the past 2 months let me focus on today. I'm sure I'll revisit in future posts some of the highlights and lowlights and experiences of moving in and setting up my apartment - perhaps most notably going to ikea for some curtain rods in the middle of a gale force warning storm - a story for another time... let me rather swiftly move on for now because I have a snow day to show you all!

I was recovering from a cold that had me in bed for a few days and today (Wednesday) was the first day that I was going to be back at the office (since going home early because I got sick last Thursday afternoon). Anyways I was completely out of it, but getting my work bag ready and then on Tuesday night I glanced out the window for the first time in more than a day and noticed that the ground was gone, and had been replaced by pure white... something. 

At first I thought it was the reflection of the white wall of the apartment but I realized that it was actually snow! There had been a snowstorm, which was very unusual and rare for March, whilst I was asleep or at least whilst I was not paying attention to what was happening outside the window. Far more snow had fallen than the last time it snowed in December. I took a whole bunch of video clips and I have combined them into into a 15 minute video blog. 

Yes, that's right, you all waited patiently for 
<65 days/1560 hours/17.81% of 2023>
and I finally come up with a blog post and promptly pull out the lazy bloggers escape card! The video blog. Eyeroll! Watch me ramble on for 16 minutes about how cold snow is! But seriously, it is cold and I think it's a good watch. 
I'm sure you will still enjoy it as it's full of my personality (albeit a tad subdued because I am getting over a cold and several romantic disappointments) and after that if you still yearn for more Snow-Hagen, then please enjoy the curated photo gallery of my favourite pictures of Copenhagen in the snow that I took today.

I really will try to post more often. I think once a week is a reasonable goal to strive towards but let's see how that turns out.